Three Green Leaders sitting at welcome table

Green Leaders Initiative

This spring, Bird Alliance of Oregon launched a brand-new, paid, nine-month youth leadership program in partnership with Hacienda Community Development Corporation. Through our new Green Leaders program, five young adults from Hacienda will act as educators and organizers, developing hyperlocal outdoor education in response to their neighbors’ pressing needs during the pandemic.

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CSU’s AeroEco Lab for Oregon the night of May 5, 2021

Keep Birds Aloft on Their Spring Journey

Eighty percent of our terrestrial migrants in North America migrate at night which provides a number of benefits. Unfortunately, artificial light that is cast into the night sky accumulates to produce “sky glow”— the hazy dome of light over our cities and developed landscapes—which mars our view of the heavens and washes out the birds’ star map.

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Dungeness Crab in eel grass

Help Protect Oregon’s Estuaries and Eelgrass

The State of Oregon is embarking on an effort to update its estuary management plans in the coming months. The old plans also do not embrace habitat restoration as a tool and did not involve coastal Tribes or address legacy impacts to the estuary, including disturbance of cultural resources. Bird Alliance of Oregon will be engaging in this process, so stay tuned for public comment opportunities.

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A view of Willamette Cove and the nearby bridge.

Willamette Cove Update

In a disappointing but not unsurprising decision released on the final day of March, Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) selected a cleanup plan for the 27-acre Willamette Cove site. The plan would allow up to 27,000 cubic yards of soil contaminated above human health risk thresholds to remain onsite in an underground confined disposal area covering the equivalent of more than two football fields.

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