Harry Nehls birding

A Rare Bird: Remembering Harry Nehls

Harry was involved with the organization in one way or another for 64 years, amassing volunteer hours that would take most people three lifetimes. His contributions to Bird Alliance of Oregon were enormous, including writing the Sightings and Field Notes columns in the Warbler for decades, and serving as board president, editor of the Warbler, and volunteer manager, as well as being a trip leader and class instructor.

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Allen’s Hummingbird on water fountain taking bath

How Do Birds Beat the Heat?

During the winter months, birds prepare their bodies to combat the cold and retain their body heat. In summer they must expend heat and keep their body temperature at a safe level. Physically, birds can prepare their bodies to combat overheating in a number of ways.

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Two birders counting birds for Christmas Bird Count with snow

Portland’s Christmas Bird Count: The Results Are In!

On January 2, 2022, Bird Alliance of Oregon held our 96th annual (and second “COVID-safe”) Christmas Bird Count. Because of ongoing risks associated with COVID-19, field teams were once again reduced in size, but a hardy group of 215 field observers and 115 feeder watchers managed to tally a respectable 123 species, right smack in the middle of the 10-year average for the Portland count.

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A photo of a Black Phoebe perched on a slim branch.

Black Phoebes, a New Year-Round Portland Resident?

Whereas the Black Phoebes that were spotted during winters over much of the Willamette Valley for the last decade were assumed to be reverse migrants, over the last few years, many seem to have simply stayed, found a mate, and are now year-round breeding birds at many of our local areas, especially along the Columbia Slough.

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A photo of Mt. St. Helens with a flock of Sandhill Cranes flying in front.

Why We Love Winter Birding

Willamette Valley is home to large numbers of wintering birds, and birders in this area define the season in terms of waterfowl and sparrows, gulls and raptors. Winter birding has a charm of its own and it may be the season many of us value the most – perhaps not for what birds the winter brings, but for what birding brings to winter.

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A group of young birders is looking up at a bird in a forest.

A New Chapter for Outings

This fall, we are delighted to share that a dedicated core group of Outings Volunteers will begin leading outings again, with strict COVID protocols in place that we are confident will keep participants safe while enabling us to enjoy one another’s company together again.

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