Bird Alliance of Oregon Staff

Bird Alliance of Oregon Purchases 12.5 Acres in NE Portland for New Wildlife Care Center and Nature Sanctuary

We’re excited to share that Bird Alliance of Oregon has purchased 12.5 acres of open space on NE 82nd Avenue in Portland! With this ample acreage, we’ll be able to build a state-of-the-art Wildlife Care Center and restore the land to create an eastside nature sanctuary, complete with trails for public use, a solar array, an outdoor classroom, and wildlife viewing opportunities.

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We’re in Give!Guide 2024!

Bird Alliance of Oregon is thrilled to be part of Willamette Week’s Give!Guide this year. This annual campaign highlights 250+ high-impact nonprofits making a real difference in the Portland metro community. From now through December 31, explore to learn about and support these important organizations.

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Elsa Hume birding

A Birder’s Journey: Spotlight on Elsa Hume

Birder, Outings Leader, and poet Elsa Hume has been a part of our community since 2021, when she began attending our newly created Bird Days of Summer series. Since then, she’s attended field trips and classes almost monthly and has gone on to lead free outings and Bird Song Walks as a volunteer. In August, she joined us as an instructor for the first time, sharing her beautiful bird poetry with the world while leading our Poet Birds class.

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Tufted Puffin in flight with fish

A Species in Rapid Decline: New Efforts to Recover the Tufted Puffin

Just 553. That is the estimated number of individual Tufted Puffins remaining in Oregon, based on the 2021 coastwide survey conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). It’s a staggering decline from the nearly 5,000 puffins counted back in 2008 and other surveys in the 1990s. It’s a number that demands action, and action is exactly what we plan to take.

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American White Pelicans

A Win for Harney County Collaboration

$2.5 million was allocated to the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative and High Desert Partnership via the legislature which will provide funding for the collaborative work in the area to continue and will also support Bird Alliance of Oregon’s work to understand reed canarygrass, its effects on birds and macroinvertebrates, and methods for treating reed canarygrass to best support wildlife.

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Marine Reserves - People standing on rocks in front of the ocean with hands up in the air

Turn the Tide: Fully Fund Oregon’s Marine Reserve Program

A decade ago, Oregonians recognized the importance of our ocean and the value of protecting it with the creation of the state’s Marine Reserves Program. Despite its success, this legislative session, both the governor’s office and legislative leadership have proposed cuts to the Marine Reserves Program in the next biennium which wouldn’t just threaten the designated sites themselves, but would threaten the good will of ocean communities and stakeholders.

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