Go Lights Out on Saturday, September 21!
Join buildings and residents all over Portland in going dark from dusk till dawn to help raise awareness about the importance of dark skies.
Sign up to Take the Pledge to go Lights Out and help us protect dark skies year-round!
Look for opportunities to reduce unnecessary overnight lighting at home. This is a simple way that you can help birds in your yard, reduce light pollution, save money, and help raise awareness about this issue! Sign up today to get a free yard sign.
Take the Pledge to Go Lights Out!Other Lights Out highlights:
- We are working with long-term partners International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) and Rose City Astronomers (RCA) to establish an Oregon Chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association! This step will help galvanize stakeholders across the state in preservation of Oregon’s world-class skies.
- We are also working with IDA and RCA on the nomination of International Dark Sky Places across the state, from sites within the city of Portland to areas in the remotest parts of southeastern Oregon; these are high-priority sites where we can focus our efforts to preserve dark skies and raise public awareness about their value.
- Bird Alliance of Oregon will be leading a first-of-its-kind Dark Skies Foray to Steens Mountain in Harney County this September, where we will delight in Oregon’s most magnificent night skies!