There are so many reasons people are inspired to support Bird Alliance of Oregon, and it is a privilege to help you fulfill your personal mission. But, no matter your reason, we need your support, because climate change is threatening all the things we hold most dear.
Every year we see new record temperatures. Wildfires continue to rage throughout the West. Severe droughts threaten the migratory routes of birds and hinder people’s ability to access healthy food and clean water. More and more birds, other wildlife, and plants are being added to the endangered species list. It can feel overwhelming, but when you make a donation to Bird Alliance of Oregon, you’re making an impact.
Your gift will help mobilize our community of supporters to advocate for new legislation and funding to protect native birds and their habitat. It will allow us to offer more camps, classes, and outings, making the outdoors more accessible to everyone and fostering a connection to nature. Your support could make the difference for an injured or orphaned animal getting treatment to allow them to return to nature. It can help spread information to your neighbors about actions they can take to coexist with wildlife and create healthy environments through programs like the Backyard Habitat Certification Program, Lights Out, Bird Safe, and Cats Safe at Home.
These are just a few ways your gift will allow people, wildlife, and nature to thrive. It’s going to require collective action, but fortunately, that has never been a problem for Bird Alliance of Oregon’s community. For more than 120 years, you and members like you have stepped up to protect our natural environment.
You’ve fought against the clear-cutting of old-growth forests, ensuring critical habitat for Coho Salmon, Marbled Murrelets, and Northern Spotted Owls. You have pushed government agencies to clean up our waterways, including designating the Willamette Cove a Superfund site, legally requiring polluters to clean up its contaminated soil. You called on the state to protect our coast, and they responded by creating five marine reserves and nine marine protected sites spanning 9% of state waters. You’ve created three wildlife sanctuaries throughout the state, preserving 479 acres of wilderness.
We are honored to be the place where you gather to share your love of birds, wildlife, and the outdoors. The place you entrust to fulfill your mission when you make your gift. The place you rely on to inspire people to defend our natural world. When you make a gift this winter, we’ll continue to honor the legacy you and members like you have established. Because of your support, we will be able to take action to protect Oregon’s wildlife and wild places.
Climate change is rapidly placing demands on our world, but we can achieve a lot together. A single gift can protect a bird or an acre of land, or allow someone to connect with nature. But with thousands of members taking action, we can accomplish something extraordinary. Thank you for being with us, together for nature!