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March 10, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Bird Alliance of Oregon Birding Day: Willamette Birding: Oregon City Hills to Molalla *FULL*

Visit some lesser-known birding spots in the Willamette Valley south of Portland. We’ll begin our day at the Stone Creek Golf Course, where a 2.5-mile loop trail passes through a small wetland, a mixed woodland stream, a forest edge, and a small pond. Crossing through this variety of habitats, we’ll look for herons, mixed species flocks including sparrows and warblers, Western Bluebird, raptors, and some ducks in the small pond. 

We will make a short stop at the Mulino Airport western-viewing area, where we will find open spaces and shrubland. This is a good location for Northern Harrier, many sparrows, Black Phoebe, and early migrants.

Ivor Davies’ mixed habitat of grassy wetlands, riparian, open shrubland, and dispersed oaks is home to Black Phoebe, Red-shouldered Hawk, and Acorn Woodpecker, and we’ll watch the sky for migrating swallows.  An exciting assortment of unexpected birds have been seen here, such as Golden Eagle and Prairie Falcon

Finally, we’ll visit the patch of oaks at East Clark Park, where we hope to get excellent views of a healthy population of Acorn Woodpecker. Molalla is home to the northernmost Acorn Woodpecker colony on the east side of the Willamette Valley. The oaks here are also great for White-breasted Nuthatch (Slender-billed race) and Brown Creeper, while in adjacent fields, we may find Western Bluebird and Western Meadowlark.  

Along the way, we’ll discuss some of the ongoing conservation issues in these areas.

Birders of all experience levels are welcome. Make sure to bring lunch and dress for the weather. 


$65 – $85
A Western Bluebird perches on top of a slender stick.
Western Bluebird, photo by Scott Carpenter

Rest Stops: N/A
Sun Exposure: sun to part shade, depending on the weather
Amenities: No Amenities unless you stop between destinations
Public Transit: N/A


Distance: 17 miles from first to last destination, 3-4 miles walking combined
Elevation Changes: primarily flat with a few small hills
Trail: Mostly paved and gravel paths and roads, with some uneven terrain.
Pacing: Slow to Moderate; many stops and scanning for water birds.

Explore the Willamette River!

Visit some lesser-known birding spots south of Portland on the eastern side of the Willamette Valley from Oregon City to Molalla with Dan van den Broek. Birders of all experience levels are welcome.


Trip Details

  • Leader: Dan van den Broek
  • Date and time: March 10, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Fee: $65 members / $85 non-members

  • Limited to 12 participants


March 10, 2023
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
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