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February 1, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Hawks & Hot Chocolate

February is an amazing time to view wildlife at the Sauvie Island Wildlife Area. Birds of prey such as Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons abound. The skies are filled with clouds of thousands of Snow Geese. Majestic Sandhill Cranes stalk the wetlands. 

Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for a spectacular and fun-filled day of birdwatching. We will provide hot chocolate and donuts (while supplies last), and lots of great naturalists with spotting scopes stationed at sites on the island. Participants travel at their leisure in their own vehicles from site to site to see and learn about the amazing birds that winter on our local Wildlife Refuge. Arrive at any time and stay for as long as you like. This will be a great event for the whole family! Registration: No registration required.

Please note, all three stations require minimal walking and are wheelchair accessible.

Download the Map


Red-tailed Hawk, photo by Mick Thompson
  • Location: Various locations on the Sauvie Island Wildlife Area (Download the route or just show-up and follow signs after Sauvie Island Bridge)
  • Parking Permits: Parking permits are required on the Sauvie Island Wildlife Area ($10 per car) Please go here to purchase online or for locations to purchase in person.
  • Suggested Donation: Please also consider making a $5 per car donation at the event to help us defray costs.
  • Green Bonus: Bring your own reusable mug to help us reduce waste!


February 1, 2020
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Categories:
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Sauvie Island