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May 15, 2023 @ 7:30 am - 9:30 am
Monday Bird Song Walks: Camassia Nature Preserve
*Due to very limited parking- this walk is limited to 14 participants. If you receive an inquiry form when RSVPing, that means the walk is full. Please consider RSVPing for another spring date. Thank you!
Join Dan van den Broek and Lorin Wilkerson to watch spring unfold at the 22.5 acre Nature Conservancy Camassia Preserve in West Linn, an area that protects unique and wildlife rich oak savannah habitat on ice age flood scablands. The thin soil and basalt outcrops contain a mix of Oregon White Oak and wildflower filled meadows with Western Buttercup, Camas Lily, Rosy Plectritis, Large-flowered Blue-eyed Mary, and Western Saxifrage. In a small riparian area there is even a stand of Quaking Aspen, deposited by the receding ancient flood waters.
On April walks we should find an assortment of early migrants that have been familiar winter occupants of our forests, such as Hermit Thrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warblers and Golden-crowned Sparrows, while Purple Finches and Band-tailed Pigeons are arriving and setting up territories. In mid to late April we should find a few of our first long-distance migrants such as Vaux’s Swift and Hammond’s Flycatcher.
As early season migrants return to distant breeding grounds more new species are arriving. By early May bird song fills the morning soundscape as bird migration peaks coinciding with wildflower displays. Complementing the pink, purple and yellow hued meadows, brightly colored Wilson’s Warblers, Western Tanagers, and Black-headed Grosbeaks begin passing through. Swainson’s Thrush, Macgillivray’s and Yellow Warblers, and Lazuli Buntings make their presence known by their rich songs and nuanced calls. The action is non-stop and as the season draws to a close we may notice flocks of Cedar Waxwing descending on early Osoberries, the first wild fruits to ripen in our climate.
Combined with the adjacent 51.4 acre City of West Linn Wilderness Park this area protects 73.9 acres of important urban greenspace.
Bird Song Walks at Camassia Nature Preserve occur every Monday, beginning April 3 and ending May 22. Walks are held from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. RSVP below!
Distance: 1.4 miles
Elevation changes: Some small hills
Trail: Trails are narrow and covered in wood chips and dirt, it can be wet in places but most wet areas have raised platforms. The terrain is uneven and some areas are rocky.
Pacing: Lots of stop-and-go looking for birds and discussing natural history.
Rest stops: N/A
Public Transit: None
Sun exposure: Most exposed to the sun in the meadows and savannah.
Amenities: No bathrooms
Parking: is limited at the end of Walnut St. There is also limited roadside parking on Walnut St. and Maple Avenue. Another option is curbside parking at the Windsor Terrance entrance, but plan for a 10 minute walk through the preserve to meet us at the Walnut St. entrance. The leaders will plan to park on Windsor Terrace to allow for more parking on Walnut St, for people coming on the walk.
Meeting Location: Walnut Street entrance.
Listen for birdsong at Camassia Nature Preserve!
Join Dan van den Broek and Lorin Wilkerson to watch spring unfold at the 22.5 acre Nature Conservancy Camassia Preserve in West Linn, an area that protects unique and wildlife rich oak savannah habitat on ice age flood scablands.