April 8 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Night Photography
From snakes to owls to the aurora borealis, there are many incredible subjects in nature that are best found and photographed after dark. But since light is the essence of photography, taking pictures after sunset requires you to make some crucial decisions about how to get around this hurdle. When is it best to use artificial light, like a flash? When is it better to use a long shutter speed?
In this webinar, we will discuss everything you need to confidently make pleasing images at night: equipment, lighting, camera settings, and planning, as well as the ethics of photographing certain subjects in the dark.
From snakes to stars - learn how to photograph at night!
Join Brian to learn everything you need to confidently make pleasing images at night: equipment, lighting, camera settings, and planning, as well as the ethics of photographing certain subjects in the dark.
Register!Online Class Details
- Class: April 8, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
- Class fee: $20 members / $30 non-members
- Note: Class recordings will be sent out automatically to everyone who registered post-class. Thank you!