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February 5, 2021 - February 7, 2021

Owls by Day in Walla Walla with Stefan Schlick

Join Bird Alliance of Oregon on a unique self-catering winter trip to see owls by day in the Walla Walla area!

We’ll explore the unique habitat along the Columbia River, adjacent to the Blue Mountains on this self-catering winter trip to see owls by day in the Walla Walla area. We will visit birdy places like Deschutes River Park, the John Day Dam, and Arlington and McNary National Wildlife Refuges, targeting Barrow’s Goldeneye. This area is also known for having a robust wintering hawk population with possibilities of Prairie Falcon and Ferruginous Hawk.

Lastly, of course, we will also search the best owl sites in Walla Walla, looking for day-roosting owls such as Great Horned, Barn, Northern Saw-Whet, Northern Pygmy, and Long-eared Owls.

*This is a self-guided tour. Lodging (book ahead of time), meals, transportation, and park entrance fees are your responsibility.

This outdoor program will follow all physical distancing and safety protocols dictated by the Oregon Health Administration. Masks required. Please feel free to bring your own spotting scope if you have one. Scroll down for details.

Join us to look for owls in winter!

Walla Walla is a winter wonderland for several owl species. Join us for this unique, self-catering trip to eastern Washington!


Trip Details

  • Trip Leader: Stefan Schlick
  • Fee: $250 members/$310 non-members
  • Group size: Limited to 10 participants
  • What is included: the services of your experienced Bird Alliance of Oregon leader.

Mandatory COVID guidelines: 

  • Stay home if you or a member in your household have any symptoms, or if you have been in contact with anyone with these symptoms:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhea
  • Everyone drive on their own, with members of their household
  • Everybody must wear a face covering at all times
  • Everybody remain at least 6 feet apart at all times
  • No more than 10 people, plus the instructor
  • Only go to locations with plenty of room to stay safe:
    • Wide, open spaces are best
    • No crowded trails – limit to early morning walks and/or weekdays
    • Prioritize trails that are one-directional
    • Prioritize locations with trails at least 6-feet wide

Tentative Trip Itinerary


February 5, 2021
February 7, 2021
Event Categories:
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Tara Lemezis