March 27 @ 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Bug Bonanza!
What has 6 legs, an exoskeleton, 2 antennae and compound eyes? Insects that’s who! Sing songs and investigate specimens to learn what makes insects special. Turn over logs, look under leaves and search the trails for these small but mighty creatures. Learn how to help support insects in your own communities and create colorful insect inspired stain glass to take home with you. This bug bonanza is sure to get you excited about these incredible creatures!
Day Camp: Thursday, March 27, 8:30/8:45 a.m. – 3:00/3:15 p.m.
Price: Sliding Scale (click registration link to view sliding scale rates)
Grades: K-2
Drop off Location: Bird Alliance of Oregon, 5151 NW Cornell Rd. Portland OR, 97210