P-Ranch River Walk | Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR 97721, Princeton, Oregon, United States

Join Bird Alliance of Oregon's Eastern Oregon Biologist, Teresa 'Bird' Wicks on a guided bird walk to the stretch of the Blitzen River that extends north from P-Ranch and is a popular stop for many visitors to Malheur NWR. The mix of habitats along the river create abundant opportunities for observing birds and the occasional beaver or other mammal.

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Nature Night: 25 Million and Counting – Monitoring Vaux’s Swift Migration


Pilchuck Audubon’s “Vaux’s Happening” Project began in 2007 and has now documented over 200 roosts from the Yukon to Guatemala used by over 25 million swifts during the last 33 migrations. Project Coordinator Larry Schwitters will share images and information captured by the project's chimney surveillance cameras, precision temperature recorders, and radio tracking transmitters.

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Go Lights Out 2024

Portland Portland, OR

Mark your calendar for Lights Out Portland, a one-night event in which residential households and commercial buildings dim their lighting in order to raise awareness about the impact of light pollution on migrating birds, about wasted energy in the form of light thrown up into the sky, and about preserving our ability to see stars from the city.

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Nature Store Author Event: Birding for Boomers

Bird Alliance of Oregon Nature Store 5151 NW Cornell Road, Portland, OR, United States

Join author Sneed Collard III at the Nature Store as he takes us through his newest book, Birding for Boomers, a friendly, accessible, and humorous guide to discovering the joys of bird watching. Late-bloomer birders (and birders of all ages) will appreciate Collard’s personal insights and tips for overcoming birding challenges as we age. After the presentation and book signing, we'll hit the sanctuary trails to practice our new birding skills!

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Advocacy Meet and Greet

Bird Alliance of Oregon - Heron Hall 5151 NW Cornell Road, Portland, OR, United States

Join us for an evening of learning and community building! We’re excited to host a Meet and Greet to welcome back our revitalized Advocacy Program. The Advocacy Program is the home base for folks who are excited to speak out for nature and connect with our Conservation staff.

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Nature Night: Klamath Basin Wetlands – Long-term Issues and Possible Solutions


The Klamath Basin is a vast wetland landscape. However, long term drought, water management policies with the subsequent decline in fish and wildlife populations, and increased ground water extraction have placed the Klamath Basin at the greatest risk of being lost forever unless stakeholders come together with a collective vision for its restoration.

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Nature Night: Fighting for Forest Park


Join us on November 20 for a program focused on the unique natural resource that is Forest Park and a potential project that puts the park at risk. Photographer Scott Carpenter will show his awe-inspiring images of the park’s wildlife, author Marcy Cottrell Houle will share her deep knowledge of the park's past and present, and Conservation staff will discuss an imminent threat facing the park and what all of us can do to protect it.

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Stories from Bird Alliance: Amending the Northwest Forest Plan Presents Both Opportunity and Risk

Bird Alliance of Oregon - Heron Hall 5151 NW Cornell Road, Portland, OR, United States

For the first time in 30 years, the Forest Service is amending the plan, which is a double-edged sword: this is an opportunity to strengthen or weaken habitat protections. Come learn from Joe Liebezeit, Statewide Conservation Director, more about why this amendment process matters and what you can do to weigh in!

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