Birding Day: Advanced Winter Raptor Identification in Polk County
This more advanced raptor trip will explore the raptor-rich farmlands of Polk county.
This more advanced raptor trip will explore the raptor-rich farmlands of Polk county.
Explore Fernhill Wetlands with Stefan in this beginner's-focused field trip!
Join this in-person watercolor class to paint alongside Ronna Fujisawa, an experienced watercolor painter, art educator, and bird enthusiast.
Explore Finley National Wildlife Refuge with Stefan!
The Great Basin Desert spans six states and is a part of the “Sagebrush Sea.” The Great Salt Lake hosts millions of Eared Grebes, as well as one-third of all Wilson’s Phalaropes. In Great Basin National Park, we will visit a grove of Bristlecone Pines, the oldest trees in the world, while searching for American Three-toed Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, and Black Rosy-Finch. Lamoille Canyon in the Ruby Mountains, the “Yosemite of Nevada,” will bring chances of Himalayan Snowcock and Dusky Grouse.
This class will show you what to look for when identifying all the sparrows and finches that winter in the Portland area.
Paul Koberstein and Jessica Applegate’s book Canopy of Titans examines the global importance of the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest. Their urgent and authoritative account sets out the threats facing a vital environmental resource, and celebrates the beauty and complexity of one of the world’s great forests.
Learn all about the trickiest waterfowl with Brodie Cass Talbott!
This trip will enable you to study species side-by-side, highlighting the field marks and habits that make each species unique. This is a self-driving tip. An ODFW Parking Pass is required.
Join Andrea Kreiner, a certified nature and forest therapy guide, for a slow and mindful sensory journey to connect with nature at the Bird Alliance of Oregon Wildlife Sanctuary.