FAQs About National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society and Bird Alliance of Oregon
Are Bird Alliance of Oregon and National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society the same?
Although Bird Alliance of Oregon is a chapter of the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society, we are an independent organization. We have an individual tax id, our own board of directors and governing structure, a unique mission with different conservation priorities, and do 100% of our own fundraising.
How does Bird Alliance of Oregon differ from the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society?
Both organizations do vital work to protect wildlife and wild places. The National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society focuses on federal legislation and national priorities. Bird Alliance of Oregon works in Oregon, focusing on statewide conservation, education, land stewardship, and wildlife rehabilitation.
Does Bird Alliance of Oregon collaborate with the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society?
The primary way we partner with the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society is being part of the National Bird Alliance of Oregon network. The network includes more than 500 local Bird Alliance of Oregon chapters and 1.8 million members, providing birds strong representation when advocating with Federally Elected Officials.
Do Bird Alliance of Oregon and the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society share my donation?
As independent organizations, when you donate to the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society or Bird Alliance of Oregon, the funds’ donated stay with the organization you donated to. However, the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society does grant approximately $10,000 to Bird Alliance of Oregon to work on National priorities within the Portland Metro region.
If I am a member of Bird Alliance of Oregon or National Bird Alliance of Oregon, do I have membership benefits with both organizations?
Unfortunately no. Your membership benefits are exclusive to the organization that you support with your membership gift. If you want the benefits of both organizations, you must make a 100% tax-deductible membership donation to both organizations.
Do you share my information with the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society?
We consider the security of your personal information an utmost priority. We do not share your information with any organization, including the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society. This isn’t just a policy; it is in our bylaws.
I accidentally made a gift to the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society. What can I do?
First, both organizations are doing incredible work to protect birds and wildlife. If you want to redirect the donation to Bird Alliance of Oregon, you can ask the National Bird Alliance of Oregon Society for a refund by calling (800) 428-3826 or emailing customerservice@audubon.org.