Fall Malheur Shorebird Survey

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge | August 13-16, 2025

Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and USFWS staff in supporting the effort to survey shorebirds in the intermountain west. We’ll survey the playas of the Double O for fall migrating and staging shorebirds. This survey is part of a project organized by Point Blue Bird Observatory and National Bird Alliance of Oregon, with support from the USFWS. Camping will be available. Camping gear will be available for participants to use during this event. There are some driving routes during this survey. All other routes require a minimum of 5 miles of hiking, with the possibility of 10 miles roundtrip. There will be no bathroom access during walking routes and driving routes will only have bathroom access at the beginning and end of the route.

Partners: Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Point Blue Bird Observatory, National Bird Alliance of Oregon, USFWS

An American Avocet stands in grass with its wings outstretched.
American Avocet, photo by Scott Carpenter

About the Survey

  • Survey Instructions: Basic survey instructions are available including maps of survey areas.
  • When: August 13 – 16 (and spring survey is happening April 23-26)
  • Where: Survey sites are all in closed areas of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. These sites include Stinking Lake, Harney Lake, and Mud Lake. Surveys may also happen at adjacent playa and spring habitat on BLM land depending on capacity.
  • Time Commitment: Four days, 1-2 for travel and 1-2 for surveys
  • Reporting: Completed shorebird datasheets will be provided after surveys are finalized. Datasheets will be collected from Team Leaders and submitted to the Malheur NWR wildlife and Bird Alliance of Oregon biologists.


Volunteer Requirements

  • Trainings:  Orientation to the protocol and shorebird ID will be provided prior to surveying. Volunteers will work on a team.
  • Bird ID Skills: Must be able to identify Snowy Plovers and other shorebirds, including peeps. Team Leaders will be experienced with shorebird ID and will be familiar with survey sites and protocol.
  • Equipment: Must have own binoculars (some may be available from Malheur NWR with notice ahead of time). Some scopes will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own scope.
  • Field Conditions: All surveys occur in areas that do not have driving access. Because of this, most surveys have a hike-in/out in addition to the walking survey covering up to 10 miles on uneven, often sandy, terrain (although less than 5 miles is possible). Please indicate what distances you’re comfortable with walking on the survey (click on the “view more” button in the sign-up above).
  • Transportation: Transportation to Malheur NWR will be your responsibility. Refuge vehicles will be available for Team Leaders to drive participants to survey sites.



For questions contact Teresa Wicks, Eastern Oregon Biologist, at twicks@birdallianceoregon.org