Greater Sandhill Crane Recruitment

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge | April 27-August 20, 2025 (weekly)

Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and help biologists monitor sandhill crane colt production (number of colts that make it through the nesting season) in the Harney Basin. Over the past several years, few colts have been observed in the Harney Basin. Recruitment data will help biologists understand current production numbers and allow for a comparison to historic levels. All surveys will be conducted along driving routes, on gravel and paved roads. Bathroom access will be intermittent along these routes.

Partners: Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

Sandhill Crane and colt
Sandhill Crane and colt, photo by Michael Seeley

About the Survey

  • Survey Instructions: Basic survey instructions are available including maps of survey areas.
  • When:  April 27 – August 20, 2025 (weekly)
  • Where: All surveys will be conducted along driving routes, on gravel and paved roads.
  • Time Commitment: One week
  • Reporting:  Datasheets will be collected from Team Leaders and submitted to the Malheur NWR wildlife and Bird Alliance of Oregon biologists.


Volunteer Requirements

  • Trainings:  Orientation to the protocol will be provided prior to surveying. Volunteers will work on a team.
  • Bird ID Skills: Must be able to identify Sandhill Cranes, including peeps. Team Leaders will be experienced with shorebird ID and will be familiar with survey sites and protocol.
  • Equipment: Must have own binoculars (some may be available from Malheur NWR with notice ahead of time). Some scopes will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own scope.
  • Field Conditions: All surveys will be conducted along driving routes, on gravel and paved roads.
  • Transportation: Transportation to Malheur NWR will be your responsibility. Refuge vehicles will be available for Team Leaders to drive participants to survey sites.



For questions contact Teresa Wicks, Eastern Oregon Field Coordinator, at