American Robins are one of the most well recognized birds in the United States. Look for them in backyards or on grass at parks as they search for earthworms, tugging them out of the ground with their beaks.

About the American Robin
Size & Shape: 10″. Bulky, large, round body, long legs and fairly long tail.
Color: Solid gray back, stout yellow bill, dark stripes on white throat, warm orange breast, white undertail, white marks above and below eye.
Behavior: Runs on ground or stands still while searching for insects and worms. Takes fruits from bushes, trees, and the ground. Winter flocks can number in thousands. Roosts communally at night in dense vegetation, often near fruit. May migrate if driven south by cold, but usually returns north as soon as temperature allows.
Habitat: Urban neighborhoods, parks, suburbs, farms, woodland edge. Avoids dense forest.
Field Marks: Reddish orange breast and sides, gray upperparts, darker head, white eye crescents, dark tail with white corners in flight, yellow bill with black tip.
Songs & Calls: Listen here.
Fun Facts: Robins change what they eat depending on the time of day. In the morning you might catch them eating earthworms on lawns and in parks. Later in the day, they eat more fruit.
Scientific Name: Turdus migratorius