Spring Break Camp and Spring No School Days

See you next Spring!

Spring is in the air in March and there’s no better place to experience it than in our Wildlife Sanctuary. Join us over Spring Break for day camp adventures to explore the world of birds and mammals, find native plants and cool amphibians, and create springtime art! Spring Break camps are offered during Portland Public School’s spring break.

Questions? Email camp@birdallianceoregon.org

Spring Break Camp Sliding Scale

Please read about our new sliding scale before you register for camp.

We’re offering a NEW Sliding Scale fee structure to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to experience camp with Bird Alliance of Oregon. Families are invited to pay at the level that works for them!

Bird Alliance of Oregon is committed to creating an inclusive summer camp that welcomes families from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Give directly to our Spencer Higgins Education Fund to support this work and ensure environmental education is accessible to all children.

Animal Tracks and Traces camp, photo by Henry Jackson

Spring Break & No School Day Camps

Days Grades 2-3 Grades 3-6 Grades K-1
Days Grades 2-3 Grades 3-6 Grades K-1

School Break Camp Information