Elliott State Forest Informational Meeting
Bird Alliance of Oregon Conservation Director, Bob Sallinger has been serving on the stakeholder Advisory Committee working on the Elliott State Research Forest proposal with Oregon State University and the Oregon Department of State Lands. A proposal is being presented to the Oregon Land Board on December 8. This hearing will not be a final decision–there is probably another 12-18 months of work to finalize the proposal. However, a positive vote on December 8 will represent an “agreement in principle” indicating support for the general structure being proposed.
This webinar is intended as an overview of the proposal covering strengths, trade-offs, and outstanding unresolved issues. There will be a short overview of the plan and time for questions/comments. This is geared just for the environmental community and is not intended as a general presentation.
Register by clicking on your chosen date below and we will get sign-in information out to you shortly: