“This decision removes a direct threat to the Elliott State Forest and to public lands in general at a time when when our public lands are under unprecedented threat,” said Bird Alliance of Oregon Conservation Director, Bob Sallinger. “However, there is still important work that needs to be done. The legislature must approve bonding to help move this proposal forward and the state must put in place a process to develop a permanent management strategy that truly protects the incredible natural resources of the Elliott State Forest.”
Now that the cloud of privatization has been lifted, Bird Alliance of Oregon Society looks forward to working the the state and other stakeholders to develop a permanent management strategy for the Elliott State Forest. Our analysis of both the Governor’s and Treasurer’s plans is that they both contain important elements that could be part of a permanent management structure. We look forward to participating in working through the details. Bird Alliance of Oregon favors an approach that would permanently and completely decouple the Elliott State Forest from the Common School Fund while retaining the entire forest in public ownership. We believe that any plan should fully protect the Elliotts older forests and imperiled species such as Coho Salmon, Northern Spotted Owls and Marbled Murrelets.
We now turn our eyes towards the legislature and strongly support both the Governor’s and Treasurer’s proposals to bond for $100 million as a critical step in beginning to decouple the Elliott from the Common School Fund. We also urge the legislature to pass the Trust Land Transfer Bill which represents an important tool to address the Elliott and other Common School Fund trust lands that may have high ecological value but produce limited revenue.
“Today, the State Land Board took a significant step forward on the Elliott that reflects the public land values of Oregonians,” said Sallinger. “We look forward now to working with the the Land Board, the legislature and other stakeholders to ensure that a plan is put in place that will keep the Elliott in public ownership and protect the forests, waters and wildlife that lie within its boundaries.”
Founded in 1902, Bird Alliance of Oregon is one of the oldest conservation organizations in the nation. It promotes the understanding, enjoyment and protection of native birds, other wildlife and their habitats through its conservation and environmental education programs, its 150-acre Nature Sanctuary and Nature Store in northwest Portland, and its Wildlife Care Center.
For more information, call 503-292-6855 or visit birdallianceoregon.org.