However, now that commitment is in real jeopardy. The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability has released a set of proposed code changes that would implement the resolution. Unfortunately, these code changes abandon the goals of the resolution and allow both significant expansion of existing facilities and construction of new fossil fuel facilities. In fact, the draft code would even allow new facilities that are able to hold up to 500,000 barrels of crude oil.
How you can help:
Check out our comments on the proposed plan along with recommendations to improve it.
Save the date for September 13 to attend an upcoming hearing to help hold the City accountable to its commitment to ban new fossil fuel facilities:
Planning and Sustainability Commission Hearing on September 13th, 1230-330 at 1900 SW 4th Ave, Suite 2500A
Key messages:
- It is critical that the city fulfills the promise of the historic fossil fuel resolution passed by council last November. The current proposal fails to achieve this goal and allows for continued expansion of existing facilities and construction of major new facilities, placing our communities and our environment at direct risk and contributing to global climate change.
- The new code needs to prohibit all new bulk fossil fuel facilities.
- Strong limits should be placed on expansions at existing bulk fossil fuel facilities.
- The code should include provisions to ensure that existing facilities are upgraded to address seismic risk, spill hazards, and other public safety concerns.