Action Alert! Coyote Killing Bill in Front of Oregon Senate

House Bill 2728 (would end coyote killing contests) is currently in front of the Oregon State Senate. 

Thanks to advocacy to your local representatives, HB 2728 passed with bipartisan support from the Oregon House and has moved onto the Senate Committee on Energy and Environment where it faces an uphill battle. 

Unfortunately, the past and current debate on this bill has been more divisive than it should be, as Senate Republicans have falsely claimed the bill is part of a culture war on rural Oregon. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is a tremendous amount of political pressure on both sides of the aisle (for different reasons) to not bring this bill to the floor of the Oregon Senate again, but Bird Alliance of Oregon and our partners in the Oregon Wildlife Coalition believe that this bill is reflective of how most Oregonians value the public’s wildlife.

Coyote, photo by Hayley Crews.

Please Take Action Today

Call or email your Oregon State Senator and urge them to support HB 2728 to end the cruel and wasteful coyote killing contests throughout the state. 

Look-up Your Legislator

Messages do not have to be long or detailed, but it is critical that senators hear from their constituents that they support banning coyote killing contests and HB 2728.

Find Talking Points Here

If you’d like to feed two birds with one seed, include a brief note in your message to your Senator that you also support the nomination of Dr. Kathayoon Khali to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission.