The state forest Habitat Conservation Plan is a balance between long-term conservation and pressure for timber harvest. It is a good faith effort, developed over many years, to manage public lands for the good of all Oregonians today and into the future.
Send an email to the Board of Forestry today. Tell the Board that we are counting on them to adopt a strong Habitat Conservation Plan that protects endangered birds including the Marbled Murrelet, Northern Spotted Owl, salmon, and clean water on Oregon’s state forests! Ask them to support efforts to diversify funding for rural communities.
Take Action by March 8
Please email Chair Kelly and the Board at boardofforestry@odf.oregon.gov and tell them tocontinue your support of a strong Western Oregon State Forest Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that is at least as protective as Conservation Alternative 3.

Sample Letter
Dear Chair Kelly and Members of the Board of Forestry,
I’m writing to ask you to continue your support of a strong Western Oregon State Forest Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that is at least as protective as Conservation Alternative 3. The State Forest HCP is a workable balance that would protect iconic salmon runs, wildlife habitat supporting marbled murrelets and other imperiled wildlife, recreation, and clean water while ensuring more sustainable timber harvest. Now is the time to finalize the HCP and ensure that Oregon’s state forests are managed for multiple values.
Right now, the timber industry and their politicians are calling on you to reject the HCP, prioritizing timber harvest over all other values. They’re using inflammatory and misleading statements to undermine common sense plans to protect state forests. Today I ask you to stand strong and support moving forward on the state forest HCP with no delays.
The HCP before you has been developed with years of extensive public input. The courts have affirmed the state’s right to manage for multiple benefits on state forests (Linn Co. v. State of Oregon). Now is the time to step up for Oregon’s state forests, and for current and future generations, by adopting a strong HCP. Thank you.