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The impact of our efforts is written across Oregon’s landscape, and is fueled by grassroots engagement—a strong community of people working together to protect nature.

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Northern Spotted Owl perched on a mossy branch

Keep the Northwest Forest Plan Strong for Spotted Owls and Other Wildlife

For decades, the landmark Northwest Forest Plan has helped protect mature and old-growth forests, Northern Spotted Owls, Marbled Murrelets, and other imperiled fish and wildlife on federal lands throughout the Pacific Northwest. Now, the Forest Service is proposing to amend the Plan, and we need your help to make sure its conservation goals are maintained and strengthened in this era of climate change. 

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Marbled Murrelet chick on nest in old growth forest

Speak Up to Protect Wildlife and Habitats in Our State Forests!  

The Board of Forestry has scheduled three listening sessions next week to gather public comments on the Western Forests Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and the broader Forest Management Plan (FMP). These special public comment opportunities are provided in follow-up to recently released information about long-term timber harvest and revenue projections on State Forest land under the proposed HCP and will likely be the last chance for the public to provide formal comments on the HCP and long-term management of over 600,000 acres of state forest.

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Portland Skyline in fog - Mult Co Courthouse lit up

Help Us Thank Multnomah County for Making their Buildings More Sustainable! 

This Thursday, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners plans to pass a resolution to integrate bird safe building and lighting design standards into their High Performance Building Standards, a move that will have benefits far beyond birds. This is an important milestone that will bring the County into alignment with the City of Portland and Metro Regional Government, and we want to send them a strong message of appreciation that they are making this critical decision. 

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Coyote in a field of tall grass and flowers

Help Ban Wildlife Killing Derbies in Oregon 

Your help is needed to end cruel and wasteful wildlife killing contests, in which participants compete for cash and other prizes for killing as many coyotes or other wildlife as possible. The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will vote on a proposed rule to prohibit wildlife killing derbies on public land on September 15. Please send them a message urging them to adopt the proposed rule and ban these inhumane contests in Oregon.

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