Nature for All – Regional Greenspace Bond Measure
Our system of parks, trails, and natural areas is one of the defining features of the Portland Metro Region (Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties). From Oxbow Park to Smith and Bybee to the Chehalem Ridge, it is almost impossible to imagine our region without this incredible network of greenspaces.
This system protects biodiversity, cleans our air and water, provides access to nature, creates landscape resiliency in the face of climate change, and helps drive our green economy.
If passed, 26-203 will secure $475 million in funding to protect the most at risk natural areas in the region. Learn more about the measure and how you can help ensure its passage.
Protect the Bull Run and Portland’s Drinking Water
The Bull Run Watershed on the Mt. Hood National Forest has been providing pure, high quality drinking water for the City of Portland since 1895. There is nothing more fundamental to a healthy community than protecting our water.
Measure 26-204 would enshrine protections for lands owned by the City of Portland in the Bull Run Watershed in the Portland City Charter where they could only be changed by Portland voters in a future election.
These protections are essential to safeguarding our water source and providing an undisturbed refuge for fish and wildlife.
Learn more about the measure and how you can help ensure its passage.