We spent the summer reaching out to the public to find a name that would connect with more people, especially those who have historically been excluded from the environmental and birding movements. Nearly 2,000 people generously shared their feedback. Across all demographics, the same themes emerged. People wanted a name that was clear and accessible, that referenced birds, that created a sense of unity and connection, and that shared our geographic reach.
We listened, and found a name that we believe that everyone can be proud of:
We were founded in 1902 to protect birds, and that remains at the heart of our work. By calling out birds, we get to quickly and effectively share who we are and why we’re here.

We are strong because of our collaborative relationships with partners, members, volunteers, activists, birders, donors, and learners. It’s only through these connections that we can protect wildlife and wild places.

Our advocacy and education efforts have always been statewide, from the coast to the high desert and sometimes even following ecosystems across state borders. Now our name reflects the fuller geographic scope of our work.

Together for Nature
Our tagline is meant to go side by side with our name to show that while birds are central to our mission, we are also more than birds. We fight for all wildlife, habitats, and for people. We stand together for nature. Always.

We’d like to thank every single person who took the time to share their feedback with us to help us find our new name. And we’d like to thank other former Audubons — Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, and Madison — who adopted the name Bird Alliance, allowing us to find a new path to keep us connected with chapters around the country. We hope others will join us in becoming a part of the Bird Alliance.
We’re also excited to share that, in celebration of the new name, one generous donor will match every dollar you give up to $100,000! Make a donation today to double your gift!
Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page for further details about the process of changing our name and how we arrived at Bird Alliance of Oregon.