Birding Destinations and Resources
With nearly 400 bird species across the state, Oregon is a magnificent place to explore the natural world. Whether you’re birding in Portland or taking a road trip around the state, we have resources for you to visit incredible places within Oregon’s forest, desert, mountain, grassland, coastal, and urban habitat.
From our very own wildlife sanctuary in NW Portland, to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, to our five marine reserves along the coast, we hope you enjoy all that Oregon has to offer.
Birding Resources
Nature Store
Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Nature Store features the best selection of binoculars and spotting scopes in Oregon and SW Washington, in addition to field guides, gifts, toys, backyard birding supplies and more.
Arrival Dates
Spring Arrival Dates for birds common to the Portland area, compiled by Adrian and Christopher Hinkle.
Birding Links
- Portland-area bird checklist
- Oregon Birders Online
- East Cascades Bird Alliance of Oregon Society Birding Locations
- Birdnotes
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Oregon Birding Association
- Hawkwatch
- American Birding Association
- Partners in Flight
- Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project
- The Bird Web
- ABA code of birding ethics
- Birding Washington County
- Bird & Wildlife Watching in Tualatin Valley