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The impact of our efforts is written across Oregon’s landscape, and is fueled by grassroots engagement—a strong community of people working together to protect nature.

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Northern Pygmy-Owl in Forest Park

Tell the City to Protect Forest Park from Development

On January 29, the City of Portland will hold a virtual hearing to decide whether to approve PGE’s Harborton Reliability Project, which involves expanding their power grid and developing 4.7 acres of habitat in Forest Park. This proposal raises concerns due to the potential impact on the protected park, which is safeguarded by the Forest Park Natural Resources Management Plan.

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Botulism outbreak at Klamath

Urgent: Water Needed at Klamath to Avoid Deaths of Thousands of Birds

A botulism outbreak was just discovered at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, killing hundreds of birds that depend on the refuge for breeding and migration. If immediate action isn’t taken, tens of thousands of birds will likely perish. We need your help today. Please urge the Bureau of Reclamation and Department of the Interior to release sufficient water to Tule Lake NWR and Lower Klamath NWR now to avoid a mass die off.

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Northern Spotted Owl on mossy branch

Help Ensure a Strong Elliott Forest Management Plan

It’s critical that the Department of State Lands hear from the public on the draft Forest Management Plan for the Elliott. We have concerns about potential weakening of protections in other parts of the plan. Please take a moment to submit a comment by the August 4 deadline and help us take this next step toward protecting the Elliott in perpetuity for people and for wildlife.

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Wind Turbines

Help Ensure Offshore Wind is Done in Compliance with Oregon Law

It’s critical that all offshore wind development be done in accordance with Oregon state laws — specifically, our laws that protect wildlife and habitat. We need you to take a moment to urge the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to ensure BOEM adheres to our state laws that protect seabirds, fish, marine mammals, and all marine life.

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