Bird Alliance of Oregon Staff

Bird Alliance of Oregon Purchases 12.5 Acres in NE Portland for New Wildlife Care Center and Nature Sanctuary

We’re excited to share that Bird Alliance of Oregon has purchased 12.5 acres of open space on NE 82nd Avenue in Portland! With this ample acreage, we’ll be able to build a state-of-the-art Wildlife Care Center and restore the land to create an eastside nature sanctuary, complete with trails for public use, a solar array, an outdoor classroom, and wildlife viewing opportunities.

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Bob Sallinger speaking at rally

Bob Sallinger: A Legacy of Conservation

In late October, the environmental movement lost a giant, and many within the Bird Alliance of Oregon community lost a friend, mentor, and a North Star for conservation advocacy. Bob Sallinger dedicated his life and career to protecting wildlife, habitat, and people, spending 30 of those years fighting from his many roles at Bird Alliance of Oregon.

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Juvenile Northern Pgymy-Owls in Forest Park

Update on PGE’s Harborton Reliability Project: What We’ve Learned, and What We Expect

On January 29 at 9 a.m., the City of Portland will hold a public hearing on PGE’s Harborton Reliability Project. This PGE proposal to update and expand their power grid infrastructure would severely impact nearly five acres of habitat in the northern stretches of Forest Park, and we need your help to fight against this. Make your voice heard by testifying at the hearing, or by submitting comments. To stay up to date, sign up for Action Alerts. Let’s fight for Forest Park together!

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McKenzie Joslin-Snyder

In Memory of McKenzie Joslin-Snyder

McKenzie Joslin-Snyder passed away on November 6, 2024, after a two-year battle with leukemia, leaving behind a lasting impact on her community and the Bird Alliance of Oregon. A beloved wildlife rehabilitator, McKenzie was known for her kindness, creativity, and compassion for both animals and people, helping countless creatures find a second chance at life.

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We’re in Give!Guide 2024!

Bird Alliance of Oregon is thrilled to be part of Willamette Week’s Give!Guide this year. This annual campaign highlights 250+ high-impact nonprofits making a real difference in the Portland metro community. From now through December 31, explore to learn about and support these important organizations.

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Vega Gull

Big Taxonomic Decisions Announced

Every August, the taxonomic decisions are announced, and every October, Cornell lab updates eBird and Merlin to reflect those changes. This year we have had a number of big changes that affect birding in Oregon, all detailed here.

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Elsa Hume birding

A Birder’s Journey: Spotlight on Elsa Hume

Birder, Outings Leader, and poet Elsa Hume has been a part of our community since 2021, when she began attending our newly created Bird Days of Summer series. Since then, she’s attended field trips and classes almost monthly and has gone on to lead free outings and Bird Song Walks as a volunteer. In August, she joined us as an instructor for the first time, sharing her beautiful bird poetry with the world while leading our Poet Birds class.

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Swift Watch crowd

Where Did the Vaux’s Swifts Go and Why Did They Leave Chapman Elementary School Early?

If you’ve been watching our community science page or attended Swift Watch over the last week, you’ve likely noticed a large decline in numbers, with the count dropping to almost zero over the last few days. The question on everyone’s mind is, where did they go? And why did they leave their longtime roost site at Chapman?

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