Juvenile Northern Pgymy-Owls in Forest Park

Update on PGE’s Harborton Reliability Project: What We’ve Learned, and What We Expect

On January 29 at 9 a.m., the City of Portland will hold a public hearing on PGE’s Harborton Reliability Project. This PGE proposal to update and expand their power grid infrastructure would severely impact nearly five acres of habitat in the northern stretches of Forest Park, and we need your help to fight against this. Make your voice heard by testifying at the hearing, or by submitting comments. To stay up to date, sign up for Action Alerts. Let’s fight for Forest Park together!

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Elsa Hume birding

A Birder’s Journey: Spotlight on Elsa Hume

Birder, Outings Leader, and poet Elsa Hume has been a part of our community since 2021, when she began attending our newly created Bird Days of Summer series. Since then, she’s attended field trips and classes almost monthly and has gone on to lead free outings and Bird Song Walks as a volunteer. In August, she joined us as an instructor for the first time, sharing her beautiful bird poetry with the world while leading our Poet Birds class.

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A flock of Ross's Geese flying.

Join Our Newly Revitalized Advocacy Program!

The Advocacy Program is the home base for folks who are excited to speak out for nature. Bird Alliance of Oregon has always relied on collective action to win victories for nature. These successes over the past 122 years didn’t just magically happen. They are the result of individuals coming together to build the future they wanted to see.

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Buckman Elementary Backyard Habitat garden

Making Sure Nature Is Always Accessible: How the Backyard Habitat Certification Program Supports Community Sites

In 2022, the Backyard Habitat Certification Program received funding to help improve the water quality in our local waterways. We are using these funding to financially support new and existing community sites and, more specifically, community sites that emphasized public equity and accessibility.

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Portland Oregon downtown aerial shot

Historic Climate Investments Underway by the Portland Clean Energy Fund Program

Portland’s Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) is busy launching its inaugural 5-year Climate Investment Plan, which invests $750 million into climate justice projects in Portland communities. Read more about how this transformative program continues to center climate justice, evolves as additional revenue from billion dollar corporations provides more opportunities, and how you can weigh in to ensure the program does not get weakened.

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Cape Perpetua, photo by Oregon Marine Reserves

2024 Legislative Recap

The 2024 short legislative session concluded on March 7 after a month of frantic politicking. We want to thank all of you who weighed in with your legislators on behalf of nature. It takes sustained effort to move the needle in the legislature, and we couldn’t do it without you. Your advocacy and engagement is what makes Bird Alliance of Oregon so effective.

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Group of people on pathway in forest with dusk sunlight filtering through the trees

Expanding Our Community with Bird Song Walks!

For close to 40 years, Bird Song Walks have invited Portland metro area residents to celebrate and track spring migration together. At a host of different locations throughout the city, a dedicated group of volunteers, staff, and neighborhood residents gather weekly to note the comings and goings of species through the chorus of songs that fill the early morning air.

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Great Blue Heron

Announcing Our New Name!

A year ago we announced our decision to drop the name Bird Alliance of Oregon and find a new name that better reflects our mission and values, one that would make this organization a more welcoming place for all people. It brings us great joy to share with you today our new name: Bird Alliance of Oregon

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