Great Egret in breeding plumage

Forgotten Founder: Dr. Emma J. Welty

William Finley and Herman Bohlman may be the best known, but they are not the only founders of Oregon Audubon Society (now Bird Alliance of Oregon). Dr. Emma J. Welty was there at the start and stayed engaged for over 20 years.

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Coastal marten

A Step in the Right Direction to Protect Oregon’s Western State Forests

On March 7 the Board of Forestry made a landmark decision to better protect Oregon’s western state forests by adopting the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that was years in the making. The HCP is an important step in stopping overharvest and addressing habitat needs of endangered species. It also better protects water for over 500,000 Oregonians and will lead to more sustainable forestry practices supporting a healthy coastal economy.

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Potter's Swamp Road (outside of Burns, OR), photo by Bruce MacGregor

In the Land of Fire and Ice, Water Determines Everything

For the estimated one billion birds that traverse the Pacific Flyway each year, the Malheur and Klamath National Wildlife Refuges are the most important refuges in Oregon. They provide space for birds to rest and refuel while headed north or south, and for myriad bird, aquatic, and mammalian species to reproduce, survive, and thrive. But these refuges and their wetland habitats are at risk.

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Tufted Puffin in flight with fish

A Species in Rapid Decline: New Efforts to Recover the Tufted Puffin

Just 553. That is the estimated number of individual Tufted Puffins remaining in Oregon, based on the 2021 coastwide survey conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). It’s a staggering decline from the nearly 5,000 puffins counted back in 2008 and other surveys in the 1990s. It’s a number that demands action, and action is exactly what we plan to take.

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Irene Finley with a camera on the ledge

The Immense Contributions of Irene Finley

Irene was passionate about wildlife, and she defied the societal expectations of the time by writing and offering lectures both with William and alone, climbing mountains, and traveling to remote places, all in service of her mission to document nature and use those findings to protect birds and other wildlife.

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Great Blue Heron

Announcing Our New Name!

A year ago we announced our decision to drop the name Bird Alliance of Oregon and find a new name that better reflects our mission and values, one that would make this organization a more welcoming place for all people. It brings us great joy to share with you today our new name: Bird Alliance of Oregon

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Chinook Salmon in stream

Fish and Wildlife Commission Reform

Last year, the legislature passed a bill to restructure the commission. This legislative session, there are multiple seats up for appointment or reappointment. That’s why one of our priorities this session is to advocate for conservation and science-focused candidates to serve on the commission and to watchdog any efforts to stack the commission with anti-conservation interests.

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Cape Perpetua, photo by Oregon Marine Reserves

Can We Protect 30% of Oregon by 2030?

In 2021 the Biden Administration heralded the “America the Beautiful” plan to conserve 30% of U.S. land and water by 2023. The initiative calls for a voluntary effort to support locally led conservation and restoration efforts to achieve this goal. So what is Oregon’s status?

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Northern Spotted Owl

The Endangered Species Act at 50

The Endangered Species Act is celebrating its golden anniversary and it remains one of our most powerful environmental laws with an incredible track record of success. In the 50 years since its passage, the ESA has prevented the extinction of the overwhelming majority of wildlife and plant species under its protection.

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