Be a part of the Bird Alliance of Oregon flock and help build a region where people and wildlife flourish together! Bird Alliance of Oregon is a volunteer-empowered organization, and volunteers are active in every level of the organization, and across the state. No matter where they serve or what volunteer role they fill, volunteers and staff work hand-in-hand to achieve our mission to inspire all people to love and protect birds, wildlife and the natural world.
We strive to be an organization where all are welcome. All volunteers and staff abide by our Community Agreements and our Volunteer Code of Conduct.

How to get involved
Take Action
Help us make positive change across the state by signing up to become a Bird Alliance of Oregon activist. Our Activist volunteers weigh in on conservation issues, rules and legislation across the state. Volunteers receive email alerts with details and ways to share their voices about pressing conservation issues. This is a remote activity, no training is required, and it is a great way to stay apprised of our organizations conservation work. Simply sign up and respond to concerns as they arise!

Join us in Eastern Oregon for a Stewardship Weekend
These multi-day events are for folks who want to get their hands dirty! Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and local partners in restoring wildlife habitat in Harney County (and of course doing some great bird watching). Check here for fall and summer dates and more information. No previous training or experience required.

Support our Community Science Programs
Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Community Science projects span the urban environment from the Portland Metro region to the coast as well as eastern Oregon. We engage members of the public to help us better understand the ecology of birds and other wildlife as well as the habitats they depend on. These efforts enable us to more effectively accomplish our conservation efforts and help influence public policy.
Community science is a great way to have fun, learn about the natural world, and make a difference for wildlife. You don’t have to be a bird expert to participate and we offer training for some projects.

Volunteer at our annual Wild Arts Festival
Our annual Wild Arts Festival is held each year in late November or early December. A premiere showcase of wildlife themed art, the festival raises essential funds for our programs. A robust flock of volunteers lead nearly every aspect of the festival, including artist assistance, admissions, helping at the book fair and silent auction, as well as setting up and tearing down the festival. For details about the festival, and current volunteer needs, click here . We generally begin to fill volunteer positions beginning in late summer.

Volunteer on our NW Portland campus, which includes our Wildlife Care Center
Volunteers in Portland are involved in many ways, and many of our volunteers are involved in more than one area!
Nature Store volunteers commit to weekly or every other week shifts in our Nature Store, assisting with store operations. Our Nature Store is open 7 days a week, 10-5
Wildlife Care Center volunteers commit to a weekly shift, the same time each day each week. Our shifts are from 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., 12:45-5 p.m. year round, as well as 4:30- 8:30 p.m. May through August.
- Wildlife Care Assistant volunteers help with animal care and cleaning (which includes laundry, diet prep and enclosure cleaning). We have two types of shifts available – caring for patients inside the building and caring for patients housed in our outdoor enclosures.
- Our Wildlife Solutions Counselor volunteers assist callers and answer questions over the phone and email as well as help with admissions.
– Please note that volunteering in our Care Center requires at least a 6 month commitment (for long-term positions), or a seasonal 4 month commitment during “baby bird” season from May through August.
– All volunteers must be at least 18.
– We require a complete set of COVID vaccinations (with a booster) for all indoor roles and an up to date tetanus vaccine for all Care Center volunteers.
We host a weekly outdoor work party to help maintain our sanctuary, and other work parties as needed. Volunteers may sign up for as many or few shifts as they wish.
Education volunteers assist in our Education department, lead free birding Outings, support our Sanctuary Tours, help each fall at Swift Watch, support special events, etc. Most education volunteer opportunities are not weekly shifts, but in an ad hoc/flexible schedule.
Backyard Habitat Certification Program volunteers support the Backyard Habitat Certification Program by certifying yards once participants have made improvements that support wildlife habitat. They also assist with administrative tasks, events and programs. Most Backyard Habitat volunteer opportunities are not weekly shifts, but in an ad hoc/flexible schedule.
Community Outreach volunteers help educate the public on our campus at community events. We have structured shifts and help at community events as needed.
Drop Ins: We do not have drop-in volunteer opportunities available.
Eagle Scouts: For the time being we are unable to accept any Eagle Scout projects – email volunteers@birdallianceoregon.org if you are considering a project before you proceed.
Corporate Work Parties: We welcome corporate partnerships/pro bono professional help.
Court Ordered Volunteer Service: We work with volunteers who need to complete court mandated volunteer service. Contact volunteers@birdallianceoregon.org to see if we may be able to accommodate you.
Questions? Contact volunteers@birdallianceoregon.org
Youth Volunteers Welcome
We welcome youth volunteers! Young people under 16 must be accompanied by an adult volunteer. Young people 16 and up may volunteer on their own. For sanctuary work parties, volunteers should be at least 12 years old (and still accompanied by an adult until 16). For the Wildlife Care Center and the Nature Store, all volunteers must be at least 18 years old.