Dead birds at Tule Lake in Klamath due to botulism

Klamath Botulism Outbreak Update

In devastating news, the botulism outbreak at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge in the Klamath Basin has now claimed the lives of more than 60,000 birds, and will likely continue into early October. This is the worst botulism outbreak in the recorded history of the refuge, surpassing the 2020 outbreak.

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A flock of Ross's Geese flying.

Join Our Newly Revitalized Advocacy Program!

The Advocacy Program is the home base for folks who are excited to speak out for nature. Bird Alliance of Oregon has always relied on collective action to win victories for nature. These successes over the past 122 years didn’t just magically happen. They are the result of individuals coming together to build the future they wanted to see.

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Wild Arts Festival

Wild Arts Festival Migrates to Its New Home

In 2024 the Wild Arts Festival is making a move to a new long-term home and a new weekend that will really let it shine. We are delighted to announce that the Festival will be held at the aptly named Wingspan Event Center at the Washington County Fairgrounds on December 7 and 8, 2024. The adjacent light rail and abundant onsite parking will make visiting the Festival even easier, and Washington County offers visitors lots of nearby opportunities for getting out in nature.

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Red Tree Vole on branch

Litigation Update: Protecting Red Tree Voles and Marbled Murrelets

We do much of our best conservation work by advocating directly to decision-makers with the support of our incredible community of activists. But when all else fails, litigation is an important tool to hold those decision-makers accountable. This June, we launched a new lawsuit to protect red tree voles, and we had another lawsuit to protect Marbled Murrelet habitat in the Elliott State Forest come full circle with a historic victory.

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Dead bird floating in the water, due to botulism outbreak at Klamath

Klamath Refuges Hit with One-Two Punch: Botulism and Avian Influenza

This spring, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) arrived in the Klamath Basin. By June it had spread among the Eared Grebes of the Klamath National Wildlife Refuge Complex, killing hundreds of birds. In early August, as water levels declined and water became warm and stagnant, another disease emerged, killing hundreds of birds in the first few days.

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Ron Spencer

A Legacy of Love for Oregon’s Wild Spaces

When Ron passed away, his family honored his memory by continuing his commitment to Bird Alliance of Oregon. They created the Ron L Spencer Conservation Fund and many joined our Legacy Circle, ensuring his passion for protecting Oregon’s wildlife and wild spaces lives on.

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Buckman Elementary Backyard Habitat garden

Making Sure Nature Is Always Accessible: How the Backyard Habitat Certification Program Supports Community Sites

In 2022, the Backyard Habitat Certification Program received funding to help improve the water quality in our local waterways. We are using these funding to financially support new and existing community sites and, more specifically, community sites that emphasized public equity and accessibility.

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