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July 24, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Book Club: Spineless: The Science of Jellyfish and the Art of Growing a Backbone
The Bird Alliance of Oregon Book Club meets in the Bird Alliance of Oregon Interpretive Center on the third Wednesday of every month for a fun and informal discussion.
Pick up your copy of the month’s book in the Nature Store for a 20% discount to members. The book club is open to everyone! To see updates, as well as current and upcoming books, visit our Meetup page.
Interested? Please RSVP to Pat Gorman at gormanp@gmail.com.
Spineless: The Science of Jellyfish and the Art of Growing a Backbone, by Juli Berwald
Jellyfish have been swimming in our oceans for well over half a billion years, longer than any other animal that lives on the planet. Yet until recently, jellyfish were largely ignored by science, and they remain among the most poorly understood of ocean dwellers. Driven by questions about how overfishing, coastal development, and climate change were contributing to a jellyfish population explosion, Juli Berwald embarked on a scientific odyssey.
Gracefully blending personal memoir with crystal-clear distillations of science, Spineless is the story of how Juli learned to navigate and ultimately embrace her ambition, her curiosity, and her passion for the natural world. She discovers that jellyfish science is more than just a quest for answers. It’s a call to realize our collective responsibility for the planet we share.