The Wildlife Care Center, Bird Alliance of Oregon House, the Nature Store, and the outdoor visitor experience are all in need of maintenance and improvement. That’s why we have embarked on a capital campaign to raise vital funds for major upgrades to our facilities, ensuring we can continue to inspire people for generations to come.
In the special issue of the Warbler, we share with you our plans, which will touch every part of our campus and wildlife sanctuary. So far, we have raised a significant portion of the funds needed to make this campaign become a reality. Now, we are looking to you, our community, to help us raise the remaining funds needed to complete the campaign and help us ensure that we can better serve the community.
Construct a modern Wildlife Care Center
We will add a second floor, doubling the square footage, and build a surgical suite, transitional outdoor space for baby birds, public viewing area, and more.
To engage the public, we will improve interpretation throughout our sanctuary, install a demonstration garden, add a green roof, and use bird-safe windows and lighting features.
Redesign the Nature Store
A reconfigured Nature Store will improve visitor and customer experience.
Update and remodel existing buildings
We will replace carpeting, paint building interiors, and add new technologies to help us better serve our community.
Modernize aging environmental and safety features
To increase efficiency, we’ll install siding, improved lighting, and better HVAC.
By rethinking and redesigning outdated educational displays and trail signs, we can create an engaging and inclusive space for all people.
We know that every visitor is an opportunity to advance our efforts to protect wildlife and their habitat. A great experience at Bird Alliance of Oregon can convert visitors to members and supporters, helping to continue our legacy of inspiring people to love and protect the natural world. We want to provide a better sense of place for visitors and convey our essential work in conservation, education, and engaging all communities with nature. New landscaping and compelling signage will guide visitors as they explore our wildlife sanctuary and learn how they can get involved with conservation.
Join us in this project to better position Bird Alliance of Oregon to take on the tough environmental issues we face today and into the future. A renewal of the headquarters will add a fresh face to our growing organization and our solid history as the Portland metro area’s most effective conservation organization. William Finley, our founder, set our course over a century ago, and that work is every bit as important today. Please help us continue to protect and promote conservation in our community.
If you’d like to help us rebuild the Wildlife Care Center, renew our campus and educational spaces, visit ForPortlandBird Alliance of Oregon.org to learn more and donate to support the capital campaign.