Ice Age Floods *FULL*
Join us on this geologic tour as we travel the path of the Ice Age Floods from Missoula to Portland!
Join us on this geologic tour as we travel the path of the Ice Age Floods from Missoula to Portland!
Join Stefan on a full-day adventure on the beautiful Oregon coast, searching for sea birds and migrating songbirds.
Join us as we explore the Strait of Juan de Fuca in search of rarities, loons, alcids (murres, guillemots, auklets, puffins, and murrelets), and spectacular views.
This November, join Dan and Candace on a brand-new birding adventure in Costa Rica! Guanacaste is the northwesternmost province in Costa Rica, home to dry tropical forest and bordered on the east by a series of protected National Parks along the slopes of several active volcanoes. We’ll visit both, and throw in some mangroves, to boot! This itinerary allows us to drive a little less and walk a little more in this unique and underbirded region.
The Rio Grande Valley in December offers Whooping Crane encounters and a unique combination of wintering shorebirds and warblers and year-round highlights like the Green Jay and Plain Chachalaca. We’ll be on the look out for a few possible rarities like Roadside Hawk, Golden-crowned Warbler, and Crimson-collared Grosbeak, that stop over in this season, and we’ll get to know the abundance of butterflies that visit the Valley as well. If you haven't done any butterflying, it’s time to start! This trip will be a lovely escape from the start of Oregon’s rainy season. 170+ birds species are possible!
Located at the intersection of North and South America, Panama is a volcanic isthmus that rose from the sea a mere 3 million years ago to form what is nicknamed the Monkey’s Bridge. This geologic link allowed the exchange overland of mammals, birds and plants, and contributed to Panama’s incredible biological diversity. Over 1000 bird species have been seen in this tropical paradise slightly smaller than the state of South Carolina.
World-class birding, spectacular scenery, and sunshine in February? Join Stefan and Randy for a February escape to the birders’ paradise of southern Arizona. From the exciting specialty species to the always-pleasing regulars such as Vermilion Flycatcher and Mountain Plover, this trip will delight any level of birdwatcher.
Visit the “birdiest county in the U.S.” with Bird Alliance of Oregon to search for desert specialties and enjoy large numbers of wintering songbirds, shorebirds, raptors, and waterfowl in southern California’s subtropical Mediterranean climate.
This three-day coastal adventure will meet all of your birding and exploration desires! Join Stefan in searching for the imperiled Western Snowy Plover, White-tailed Kite, Wrentit, and much more.
Enjoy 25+ species of brilliantly colorful warblers along the famous boardwalk of Magee Marsh. Spring in Northern Ohio is a migration spectacle, and we'll visit a variety of habitats looking for songbirds, shorebirds, and raptors. Then we’ll head to northern Michigan to find the incredible and rare Kirtland’s Warbler to conclude this memorable Midwest adventure.