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June 9, 2024 - June 13, 2024

Pacific Northwest Trip: The Birds & Natural History of NE Oregon *FULL*

Rugged Northeast Oregon is full of scenic beauty with spectacular mountains and gorges! Join us as we explore areas such as the Grande Ronde River, Zumwalt Prairie, and Hell’s Canyon to look for Calliope Hummingbird, Golden Eagle, Gray Catbird, Bobolink, Short-Eared Owl, and so much more! And this trip is more than just birds. Along the way we’ll discover the region’s wildflowers, catch glimpses of mammals such as Rocky Mountain Elk and Columbian Ground Squirrels, gaze at beautiful butterflies such as Mourning Cloaks and Arrowhead Blues, and dive into the unique natural history of the area.

Our trip begins at Zumwalt Prairie, the largest remaining grassland of it’s kind in North America, replete with wildflowers, where we’ll look for Swainson’s and Ferruginous Hawk, Horned Lark, and Vesper Sparrow. We’ll then head towards Joseph and explore local hotspots looking for Short-Eared Owl, Long-Billed Curlew, and Western Meadowlark. Next, it is on to Hell’s Canyon where we’ll be searching for Bobolink, White-Throated Swift, Rock Wren, and Prairie Falcon.

On our last full day, we’ll visit Rhinehart Bridge with a goal of seeing Gray Catbird and Veery as well as Ladd Marsh for ducks, American Avocet, and other wetland species. Finally, we’ll be sure to make time for Virtue Flats to spot sagebrush species such as Brewer’s Sparrow, Sage Thrasher, and Burrowing Owl

As we head out on our final day, we’ll visit the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest to search for Ponderosa Pine forest species like Pygmy Nuthatch, Red Crossbill, Chipping Sparrow, Cassin’s Finch, woodpeckers and more!

Travel with us to NE Oregon!

Rugged Northeast Oregon is full of scenic beauty with spectacular mountains and gorges. Join us as we explore areas such as the Grande Ronde River, Zumwalt Prairie, and Hell’s Canyon to look for Calliope Hummingbirds, Golden Eagles, Gray Catbirds, Bobolinks, Short-Eared Owls and so much more! While we are birding, we’ll also dive into the unique ecology of this amazing corner of the state.


Pacific Northwest Trip Policies

Trip Details

Trip Leaders: Brodie Cass Talbott and Cameron Cox
When: June 9-13, 2024
Fee: $1,295 member / $1,595 non-member*
Single supplement: $375
Group size: Limited to 12 participants

*Fee Includes: All ground transportation from Portland, double-occupancy lodging, breakfast/lunch/non-alcoholic beverages/snacks, entrance fees, excursions, and the services of your skilled leaders.
What is NOT included: Fees do not include dinners and alcoholic beverages.

Notes on travel and lodging: We will be traveling together as a group by van.


June 9, 2024
June 13, 2024
Event Categories:
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Tara Lemezis