Birding Day: From Seabirds to Songbirds, a Day in Newport
Join Stefan on a full-day adventure on the beautiful Oregon coast, searching for sea birds and migrating songbirds.
Join Stefan on a full-day adventure on the beautiful Oregon coast, searching for sea birds and migrating songbirds.
Join us as we explore the Strait of Juan de Fuca in search of rarities, loons, alcids (murres, guillemots, auklets, puffins, and murrelets), and spectacular views.
This three-day coastal adventure will meet all of your birding and exploration desires! Join Stefan in searching for the imperiled Western Snowy Plover, White-tailed Kite, Wrentit, and much more.
Explore remote and beautiful southeastern Oregon and visit a world-class birder’s paradise, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, during peak migration. We’ll focus on both birds and the natural history of the vast refuge and surrounding areas, including Steens Mountain and the Alvord Desert.
This mid/late June trip features the many habitats of the area including grasslands, forests, high elevation, wetlands and shrub steppe. We should expect to see 150 species of birds, including highlights like Bobolink, Williamson’s Sapsucker, forest grouse, Least Flycatcher, Veery and Clay-colored Sparrow and an assortment of colorful butterflies and wildflowers.