Vaux's Swifts at Chapman at dusk

Drone Disturbance During Swift Watch

On Friday, September 8, Bird Alliance of Oregon staff and volunteers witnessed a drone being flown during Swift Watch, the beloved annual event where people gather to watch thousands of Vaux’s Swifts funnel into Chapman Elementary’s chimney. Wildlife, particularly birds, can perceive drones as a threat and there is a lot of documentation in the scientific literature indicating they negatively alter wildlife behavior and cause undue stress.

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Sunset Bay & Cape Arago Lighthouse

Conservation and Community Groups Across the State Oppose HB 3382

More than 50 conservation and community organizations have signed a letter urging the Oregon Legislature to reject House Bill 3382 which would eliminate land use review of dredging and development proposals in the state’s five deepwater ports: Coos Bay, Newport, Astoria, St. Helens, and Portland. It would eviscerate land use protections for key estuaries, among the coast’s most critical and productive habitat areas.

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